As the sun sets on another academic year, it is with great pride and admiration that we extend our warmest congratulations to the graduating class of LIH students. These individuals have embarked on a journey of knowledge and self-discovery, overcoming challenges and embracing growth along the way. The halls of our institution have been illuminated by their intellect, passion, and unwavering dedication, leaving an indelible mark on all who have had the privilege to witness their transformation.

Each graduate has a unique story to tell – a narrative woven with late-night study sessions, moments of triumph, setbacks faced with resilience, and friendships forged through shared experiences. As they don their caps and gowns in celebration of this milestone achievement, we recognize not only their academic accomplishments but also the character development that has shaped them into future leaders poised to make a meaningful impact on the world.

The kindergarten students were filled with excitement on graduation day, eagerly anticipating the start of their first grade journey.

We are delighted to congratulate Moza Al Kubaisi, a remarkable 12th-grade student, on receiving her high school diploma. She has demonstrated exceptional academic excellence throughout her time with us. As she sets off on a new chapter in her life, we extend our best wishes for continued success and prosperity.

The graduation day served as a remarkable demonstration of academic success for our 5th grade students. Evident on their faces was a sense of joy and anticipation as they eagerly awaited the transition to middle school.

Join us in honoring these remarkable individuals as they take flight into new beginnings filled with promise and possibility.

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